It is on your bucket list bullets, to experience the marvelous of paradise? ; For sure at least once. Or, are you dreaming to switch off your daily city routine and move on to a mix of adventure and relax? The evident answer is YES, so here is Galasam Galapagos Tours to make it happen.
While some of us were bundling up in these frigid temperatures, Dr. Marosh Furimsky and Dr. Joseph Balczon led a group of 30 Westminster students in traveling throughout Ecuador as part of a two-week academic field experience. Westminster’s biology program offers both domestic and international travel experiences as part of the curriculum for students. While in Ecuador, the group observed and identified many different species of native and endemic animals and plants including the famous Darwin’s finches, giant tortoises and blue-footed boobies.
The Galapagos offer several transportation services depending of the tourist needs. For internal transportation, it´s very common to take taxis, which are white pickups that can be taken on the way around the main towns and at the airports. The costs are generally cheap, but only can be paid cash; there are also bike rentals.
This is a selection of 10 species of the many birds that exist in Galapagos:
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